TD Swinburne


Current projects as PI

ANR PRC DAPREDIS (2024-2028)

Data-Driven Prediction of Dislocation Plasticity

With S Queyreau, LPSM, Sorbonne, Paris Nord

PhD Application

Motivated candidates with an interest in machine learning, plasticity and dynamical systems should email me for more infomation about this exciting project thomas “dot” swinburne “at” cnrs “dot” fr


Automatic differentiation of energy landscapes

Postdoc of Ivan Maliyov

EuroFusion / IREMEV program (2020-present)

PI on EuroFusion grants developing ML / theoretical methods for microstructural evolution

Computational Resources

GENCI / IDRIS national supercomputing grants, EUROFusion computational grants

Current projects as participant

CONNECT-NM (2024-2028): Pan-European project on nuclear materials.
Task leader on efforts to curate databases for materials informatics

ANR PRC YOSEMITE (2023-2027): High entropy alloy nanoparticles for unique mechanical properties.

ANR PRC HEBERTUNE (2024-2028): HElium BUbble formation in TungstEn: fRom Nanoscience understanding to macroscalE impact
Using TAMMBER to investigate dislocation-bubble interactions

Past projects as PI

ANR JCJC MeMoPas (2020-2022)

Mesoscale models from massively parallel atomistic simulations: uncertainty driven, self-optimizing strategies for hard materials

Postdoc of Petr Grigorev

CEA PTC ANEMONE (2022-2024)

Co-PI with Dr L Ventelon, CEA Saclay, developing ML-assisted DFT for ab initio accuracy in large scale simulations of extended defects.

Postdoc of Petr Grigorev